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Other Photochops.
These are some of the other random photo editing I have done.

Brumby Dual Cab Ute
Subaru Brumby Dual Cab Ute
Someone on AUSubaru wanted to know what people thought a Dual Cab Brumby would be like. In stead of thinking, I just cut one up. I couldn't find a EA81 (MY) styled car facing the right way in "google image" so I used a L series instead. It was a quick production and only took me about 50mins. So that's kinda why it looks a little messed up.

Soobmater's (USMB member) EA82, custom paint.

Soobmater from USMB wanted to know what people thought about putting a two tone black stripe around the bottom of hit car. I thought that it looks good, but Then I had to change the colour of his paint. It was a nice green, but I think black and orange looks much better. This edit took me about 15mins.

Subaru Brat with custom paint.
Subaru Brat Orange Custom Paint

Again, someone on USMB wanted to know what colour paint, and what design, does everyone think they should paint there Brat in. They are putting a ER27tt in it and want it to look as mean as it will be. So, 40mins later I came up with this. I reckon it will do the job just fine, and I love it. Kinda makes me want to paint my own Brat like that! This is a picture of my car from a while back, before all the offroading mods were installed.

Subaru Brumby black and orange paint job.
Subaru Brumby, black and orange custom paint
I just got bored. So I thought, wonder what that would look like... Took about 15mins to edit the photo. Pretty simple paint, just black on top, and orange underneth. I guess noramlly people put the black underneth, but I think it looks cool in a different way, if ya know what I mean.








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