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Loveday 4x4 Mud Dust & Music 2009

Written by Thomas Paine, Photos and video by Beverley, April and Robin (edited by Thomas)

After the race in last October (2008) the car needed some repair. It also needed another engine as the previous engine was used in my road going Leone. We replaced the front struts, put a new engine in, fixed the rear torsion bars (they were sagged). We moved the seat belt mounts to the rear seatbelt mounting position to hold the driver and co-driver down in their seats better. Put some more paint and stickers on the little bus and threw it on a trailer.

Racing went well accross the weekend and we just lost out on second position because of a "timed knockout" final. We bent a radius rod and pulled the tyre off the rim which meant we did not get a good lap time at all. But a thrid was satisfactory for a little Subaru!

Here are the photos and videos from the event!




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