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www.OffroadingSubarus.com Merchandise!

Stickers - PRICE SLASH!

The stickers are 235mm x 45mm in size. They stick to the inside of the window of your car or what ever you want to stick it to. The design looks like this except the blue is clear. hey are UV resistant and won't peel off like outside mounted stickers.

Prices: $AUD
Postage $1 for any amount.

Email phizinza@offroadingsubarus.com for other payment options.

Check out the instructional video on how to stick them on!




Currently out of stock. With enough interest I can order more.
Style and colours can be altered, give me your suggestions!
This is a Waffle weave Polo. The logo is 100mm x 50mm in size.

Email phizinza@offroadingsubarus.com for payment options.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you with what you want! I can also ship overseas at reasonable postage rates. Please just ask!







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DISCLAIMER: Thomas Paine, www.OffroadingSubarus.com, does not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, or results of use of the information contained on and within this website as to its correctness, accuracy, currency or otherwise. Thomas Paine, www.OffroadingSubarus.com, expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or advice contained on and within this website.