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Murray mouth trip in August
Written by Thomas Paine - Phizinza

For those of you who don't know what the Murray is, it's the biggest river in Australia.
Here is a link to google maps that will show you the Murray mouth.

My brother rang me at 4pm and said do you wanna go for a run down the Murray mouth? So... I bolted up my M/T's, cleaned out the tray, had dinner, and we set off for the mouth.
It was dark by the time we got there and we let down our tyres. You have to drive 16km down the beach to get to the mouth. Sadly the mouth it self was rather boring. There wasn't much flow so all the sand around was hard. So following the tracks that lead around the mouth we headed around to the river side. There we found a brilliant place to get stuck in. Here's a link to google maps again, on that map you'll see a mud flat. That's where we got stuck in the following photos.

Click the images to open a new window with an enlarged Photo.

So I tried some of the mild stuff, then soon decided that it was too easy and went for a go in the sludge. I got 1 meter from getting back on the hard surface and the car just sunk. I was in 1st low and I could get the clutch pedel (9months old clutch) right the way off with the revs at 3K and no wheel spin. This stuff was sticky! I've had experiences with this type of black mud/goo before, and they weren't happy ones. So I got the spade out and dug ramps for all 4 wheels. Then with about as much guts as the little Subaru Brumby had, and slipping the hell out of my clutch I managed to get back up on top of the mud and drive out. Note to self: when digging ramps, remember to dig the hills the front tyres made so the rears don't hit them. It almost ended in sinking again...

Then it was time for the wagon to give it ago. With his 185LT almost bald tyres and a engine that was only happy running on the secondary throat. He got it in there and stopped with about 3 times more distance to the hard stuff then the Brumby did. Out came the spade, got to work digging ramps. This time, the wagon was spinning it's wheels but not going anywhere or digging anything. Quickly a couple of us pushed it back onto the top of the mud and it JUST made it out. moving at about 0.5km/h at 4K RPM in 1st Lo...

It was getting pretty late, and the tide was on it's way in, and with 16km back along the beach we thought we'd better head off. All in all it was a load of fun. And now I have a huge cleaning job on my hands.






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