Indoor 6.5″ Speaker boxes
I needed some good sound. So what could be better then 2 6.5″ speakers in BOXES (speakers sound shite without boxes!) So I got out my cardboard and made a template of the shape the box needed to be. Grabbed the 12mm MDF board and started cutting.
The Speaker spaces I got needed something to screw to. Also it couldn’t be to thick as that would intrude onto the door trim to much. I found some 5mm thick Ply board, cut it to shape. Screwed it on, with LOTS of silicone, for sealing the box. Without a sealed box the box basically does nothing!
Cut the door trim to fit the spacer. Screw the spacer the the 5mm thick Ply.
And there you have it!
But nothing ever goes smoothly. You may be able to see it in the picture, the window winder stops on speaker now…
Never fear, there’s always great ideas just around the corner. And bad ones too.
Found this on the wrecked 2.2 Mazda 626 my brother has. It is a adjuster for a seat. I cut it’s fitting so it would not stick out too far. Drilled a hole through it. Drilled a hole through my splined window winder shaft. And stuck a split pin through it. It does the job. But I wouldn’t try winding that window while driving…
I plan on modding some winders to fit and be short. But that will come later. I also need to find some speaker grills.
At the moment I have a Alpine Amp powering these speakers. I have my PocketPC wired to the RCA inputs and the Radio wired to the Speaker level inputs. There’s a little more about this up the page.
I give full rights for anybody to copy this idea/design.
Thanks for having a look. I hope I am giving you ideas!